Oklahoma Retail Locations
Joy’s Liquor Barrel
12134 Reno Ave
Yukon, OK 73099
(405) 324-0347
The Spirit Shop
109 S. Berry Road
Norman, OK 73069
(405) 321- 3100 https://www.facebook.com/thespiritshopnorman/?rf=145979025433959
Cellar Wine and Spirits
555 W Main St
Norman, OK
(405) 329-946
Station Wine & Spirits
13701 N. May, OKC
(405) 755-1014
The Grape Wine and Spirits
5900 W Memorial Rd
OKC 73142 https://www.facebook.com/grapewineandspirits/?rf=159807474159772
Sam's Warehouse Liquor
2933 NW 63rd St, OKC
(405) 810-9111
Grand Cru Wine and Spirits
9275 N May Ave, OKC
(405) 749-9463 https://www.instagram.com/grandcruokc/
North Oaks Wine and Spirits
1283 W Danforth Rd
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 340-9463 https://www.facebook.com/North-Oaks-Wine-Spirits-177580612253316/?rf=1665197807049918
Drew's Wine & Spirits
209 S. Meline Dr
Edmond, OK 73034 https://www.facebook.com/drewswine/
Market Beverage Co.
204 S Littler Ave
Edmond, OK 73034 https://www.facebook.com/marketbeverageco/
B and B Liquor
1306 S. Main Ste A
Kingfisher, OK 73750
(405) 375-4778 https://www.facebook.com/BBLiquorKingfisher/
University Liquor
1215 E Lindsey St
Norman, OK 73071
(405) 573-1977 https://www.facebook.com/thirstymcthirtsalot/?rf=455229587932459
Amy’s Liquor Store
6037 NW 23rd St
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
(405) 495-6224 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Amys-Liquor-Store/141018272603824
Vineyard Wine and Spirits
12121 Northwest Expy
Yukon, OK 73099
(405) 373-4500 https://www.facebook.com/vineyardwinespirits
Cache Road Liquor and Wine
2002 NW Cache Rd
Lawton, OK 73507
(580) 355-7451 https://www.facebook.com/cacheroadliquor/
Chick’s Liquor
1708 S 4th St
Chickasha, OK 73018
(405) 320-5980 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chicks-Liquor/583050935079632
Pancho’s Liquor Town
6801 N Meridian Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73116
(405) 721-7351 https://www.facebook.com/PanchosLiquortown/?rf=143979432341000
Tipsy Bottle Liquor
8501 SW 59th St #102
Oklahoma City, OK 73179
(405) 261-2522 https://www.facebook.com/tipsybottleliquor/
Bacchus Wine and Spirits
17216 N May Ave
Edmond, Oklahoma 73012-9029
(405) 844-5521 https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/
Cordell Package Store
1200 E Main St
New Cordell, OK 73632
(580) 832-3920 https://cordellpackagestore.com/
Sean’s Wine and Spirits
6969 Northwest Expy
Oklahoma City, OK 73132
(405) 728-7300 https://www.facebook.com/swsokc/?rf=108409529329516
Richard’s Liquor Store
4731 SE 29th St
Del City, OK 73115
(405) 672-4161 https://www.facebook.com/richardsliquordelcityok/?rf=860042987365560
Sooner West Liquors
110 36th Ave NW
Norman, OK 73072
(405) 360-5278 https://www.facebook.com/SoonerWestLiquors/
Taste of Wine and Liquor
350 N Mustang Rd
Mustang, OK 73064
(405) 256-7074 https://www.facebook.com/mustangwine/
Penn Discount Liquor
4217 S Pennsylvania Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 680-8844 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Penn-Discount-Liquor/100519163340759
Camelot Wine and Spirits
12247 W Pennsylvania Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
(405) 755-0322
Oklahoma On-Premise
Bluebonnet Bar
321 E Main St
Norman, OK 73069 https://www.facebook.com/bluebonnetbar/
Scratch Kitchen and Cocktails
605 NW 28th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73103
(405) 602-2302 https://www.facebook.com/ScratchPaseo/
Packard’s New American Kitchen
201 NW 10th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73103 http://www.packardsokc.com/
Scratch Kitchen and Cocktails Norman
132 W Main St
Norman, Oklahoma 73069
(405) 801-2900
Scratch Kitchen and Cocktails Paseo
605 NW 28th, Suite B
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103
(405) 602-2302
Star Brands 405-922-0302

Ask your favorite liquor store, restaurant or bar to order Viejo Cancun Organic Tequila.
Tell them our Oregon item code: 4974B for easy ordering.
Oregon Retail Locations
Northgate Liquor Store
1408 Mohawk Blvd
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 746-4611 https://www.facebook.com/springfieldbeverageshoppe/
Village Square Liquor Store
5511 Main Street
Springfield, OR 97478
(541) 726-9278 https://www.facebook.com/villsqliquor/
Downtown Liquor Eugene
401 W 11th Ave
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 343-4424 https://www.facebook.com/downtownliquor.eugene/
South Eugene Liquor
2866 Willamette St
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 343-3611 https://www.facebook.com/pages/South-Eugene-Liquor/185470964831783
Eugene Westside Liquor
4325 Commerce St. Suite 112
Eugene, OR 97402
(541) 342-3881 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Liquor-Stores-Eugene-Westside-Liquor-Store/140597689309446
Big Y Liquor Store
2170W 6th Ave
Eugene, OR 97402
(541) 343-2757 https://www.facebook.com/Big-Y-Liquor-Store-100522866675855/
Cottage Grove Liquor
1785 E Main St. #3
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
(541) 942-3469 https://www.facebook.com/CottageGroveCigarAndDrink/
Salem Battlecreek Liquor
5107 COmmercial St SE
Salem, OR 97306
(503) 385-1725 https://www.facebook.com/liquoroutletstore/?rf=147090355334250
Lloyd Center Liquor Store 1
621 NE 9th Ave
Portland, OR 97232
(503) 288-0961 https://lloydcenterliquor.com/
Bethany Liquor
4756 NW Bethany Blvd
Portland, OR 97229
(503) 533-5584 https://www.facebook.com/bethanyliquor/?rf=140528165982909
Gresham Liquor Store
2414 SE Burnside Road
Gresham, OR 97080
(503) 665-9327 www.greshamliquor.com
Estacada Liquor Store
305 SW Wade St
Estacada, OR 97023
(503) 630-6886
Cork and Bottle Shoppe
1236 Pacific Blvd
SE Albany, OR 97321
(541) 248-3565
Newport Liquor Store
2019 North Coast Hwy
Newport, OR 97365
(541) 265-5621
Waldport Liquor Store
235 Hwy 101
Waldport, OR 97394
​(541) 563-3727 https://www.newportwaldportliquor.com/
Lincoln City Liquor
North 2409 NW Hwy 101
Lincoln City, OR 97367
(541) 265-5621 http://www.liquoroutletstores.com/Home_Page.php
Grants Pass Downtown Liquor
210 SE 8th St.
Grants Pass, OR 97526
(541) 479-3729 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Liquor-Stores/147244221969625
Bend East Liquor
2220 NE Highway 20 Ste.1
Bend, OR 97701
(541) 318-2977 http://www.eastbendliquor.com/
Bend 3rd st. Liquor
740 NE Third St.
Bend, OR 97701
(541) 797-0028 https://www.3rdstreetbeverage.com/
Bend South Liquor
61153 S Highway 97
Bend, OR 97702
(541) 388-0692 http://bendsouthliquor.com/
Eugene Northside Liquor
1530 Coburg Rd
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 485-3093
Westmoreland Liquor
7207 SE Milwaukie Ave,
Portland, OR 97202
Oregon On-Premise
Hacienda Amigo Mio
3344 Gateway St
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 746-7051 https://www.haciendaamigomiospringfield.com/
Plank Town Brewing Co.
346 Main St
Springfield, OR 97477 http://planktownbrewing.com
Cornucopia Restaurant
295 W 17th
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 485-2300 https://www.cornucopiaeugene.com/
Cornucopia Bar and Burgers
207 E 5th
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 485-2676
Scribles Bistro and Deli
1123 Monroe St
Eugene, OR 97402
(541) 505-8766 http://scriblesbistroanddeli.com/
Tacovore Eugene
530 Blair Blvd
Eugene, OR 97402
(541) 735-3518 http://tacovorepnw.com/
Sessions Music Hall
44 E 7th Ave
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 345-4434 https://www.sessionsmusichall.com/
Laurelwood Golf Course and Pub 2700 Columbia St
Eugene, OR
(541) 636-4814 http://www.thepubatlaurelwood.com/
The Horny Goat Gastro Pub
234 SW 5th St
Grants Pass, OR 97526
(541) 507-1901
The Taphouse at Nye Creek
520 W Alpine St
Newport, OR 97365
(541) 272-5545 http://taphouseatnye.com/
Thai Pepper Restaurant
84 N Main St
Ashland, OR 97520
(541)482-8058 http://thaipepperashland.com/
Axe and Fiddle
657 E Main St
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
(541) 942-5942
Whirled Pies
199 W 8th Ave
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 338-9333
McDonald Theater
1010 Willamette St.
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 345-4442
Pandita Taqueria
398 East 11th Ave
Eugene, Oregon 97401
(541) 654-5112
Billy’s Fried Chicken
82 N Main
Ashland, OR 97520
(541) 708 6744